Publisher: Astraea Press
Pages: 225
Release Date: 13th June 2012
Read In: September 2012

*I received this book in exchange for this review*
During her junior year, sixteen-year-old Maggie Reynolds expected to shop for prom dresses not maternity clothes. Now, instead of studying for the SATs, she’s reading, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. Maggie’s ‘Mother Dearest’ lives in fear that Maggie will somehow taint the family name, so Maggie can’t turn to her for help. Meanwhile, her father is oblivious to anything but his 9-9 job. And her boyfriend, Justin? She’s pretty sure he’ll stay by her side.
While Maggie wrestles with her options, Justin offers a solution: abortion. It would solve all her problems quickly, easily, and effectively. And her parents would never know, which means they won’t throw her out and cut her off like they’d always threatened if she got herself knocked up. Now Maggie must decide which choice she can live with: abortion or teenage motherhood. Either way, it’ll be a tough road to travel.
This book was a breeze to read. It wasn’t a shallow cutesy
romance but on the other hand it wasn’t a heart wrenching tragic tale that was
going to make you burst into tears. It was enjoyable.
‘Sobs shook her body,
and Lauren rushed over.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, but Maggie didn’t hear it. The only word resonating in her head had already been said. Pregnant. She was sixteen and pregnant. What was she going to do now?’
“I’m so sorry,” she said, but Maggie didn’t hear it. The only word resonating in her head had already been said. Pregnant. She was sixteen and pregnant. What was she going to do now?’
This is a book about abortion and the challenging decision
some teenage girls have to face. I love that all angles of the debate were
covered; the pros and the cons. As someone who doesn’t have very strong
opinions on the topic, it felt like a good balance. For someone who hasn’t thought
about the issue closely, it is a good book to gain an introduction.
Maggie’s situation is not an easy one. I really felt a
connection to her suffering and why it was harder, than others, to tell anyone about
it. When I was sixteen, I felt like that my parents would be supportive if I
fell pregnant. I am glad that I didn’t. Maggie couldn’t do that. I understood
Justin is a classic example of a guy I would not like to
encounter. There are jerks but they are obviously jerks. Then there are the
guys that act all gentlemanly and gracious until parts of the relationship stop
going their way. They have to grow up. They start showing their true selves.
These guys are the worst. Justin never seemed like a truly honest guy from the
start. I didn’t like him
Fortunately there are people in Maggie’s life that are there
for her. She needed Rachel and later on Evan. I would have liked a bit more
from Evan. He had the potential there.
What I enjoyed about this story was the debate and
discussion of the topic that is abortion. I also liked getting to know the
people in Maggie’s life. However I felt the story was too short. When it came
to the other aspects of the pregnancy it remained a little flat. Once Maggie
made her ultimate decision, the book sort of trickled along with nothing
happening much. I thought there were other issues that needed addressing in
greater depth but, after the main decision of whether to abort or not, those
other decisions didn’t seem important. I was a little disappointed there. The
story also ended too quickly and abruptly; was that it?
Overall I did enjoy this book. It is a book about abortion
and it covers the topic brilliantly. However I would have liked a bit more
depth after the abortion side was finished.
Author Info
Jessie Andersen lives in a small town in Western New York with her husband and three kids. A former English teacher, she now spends her time writing while the kids are at school and the baby is sleeping. She volunteers at the local library and sings in the church band. You can find information about her books at, and you can follow her blogs at (Personal blog) and (Book blog). You can also follow her on Twitter at and on Facebook at the following link for a list of the other blogs on the book tour for At What Cost.
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Becky, Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to do a review! I truly appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds great! Not to sound weird or anything, but I really like reading books where the MC has to make a tough decision like this one. I'm definitely intrigued as to what her decisions going to be. Great review!