As you may already be aware, it is summer time. I have four
months off. That is a lot of time. Fortunately I have some amazing things coming
up that I can’t wait for. Of course most of them are book related. I thought l
would share them with you.
Meeting Cassandra Clare

As you may or not be aware, Leavesden Studios, where the
Harry Potter films were made, has been converted into a public exhibition. This
is an opportunity not to be missed. I’m looking
forward to visiting all the sets, and seeing the props and costumes.
Florida and Harry Potter Wizarding World

On a non-book related topic, it probably hasn’t failed to
escape your notice, especially if you live in the UK that the Olympics are
coming to London this year. And my dad managed to get tickets. This is another
once in a life time opportunity. Especially since the park is not that far away
from my parent’s house.
This summer is going to be one of awesomeness. Are you doing
anything awesome this summer?
Sun clipart:
Cassadnra Clare:
HP studio tour:
Harry Potter Wizarding World, Universal Orlando Studios:
London Olympics 2012:
How exciting to meet your favourite author... I get like that when I meet them too, since not many come down to Australia. You'll love HP world... I went there earlier this year... squeal!!